Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 So Far....

So I haven't seen a lot of films this year due to school and all but I have seen a few. Mainly either big films or films that I just wanted to see. I also worked on a movie reviewing show for the news channel here at my school so I have also seen some movies that I didn't really want to see. Here is what I felt about those films, (I'm doing this by when they came out).

Warm Bodies-The first new movie I saw in 2013 ( I had to catch up on the oscar bait of course), and this was the first film I was super hyped for. I thought a zombie rom-com was an interesting and the fact  that unlike Twilight it wasn't taking itself to seriously. Now when I saw was as great as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong I still loved the hell out of it but I did definitely overhype it. Well let's talk positives, The acting was great by everyone (points to Nicholas Hoult and Rob Corddry cause I feel it's really hard to play a zombie with feelings) and all of the humans (Teresa Palmer, Dave Franco, John Malkovich) were also really good. I liked the idea of getting a humans memories when you ate their brains, that was pretty cool. The movie also looked good, gritty at first and kind of dark but as the zombies became more human the movie got brighter which I thought was really smart. My problems were the fact while I understand why R (Hoult) was becoming more human because he was falling more in love with Julie (Palmer) I didn't understand why it was happening to the other zombies, Also the last say 15-20 minutes while still good weren't as good as the rest of the film (at least to me). Overall this is probably my favorite film I've seen so far this year, and I will definitely buy it on DVD...whenever it comes out.

Beautiful Creatures-Watching the trailer for the first time I was thinking what a lot of people were thinking. Oh look heres the new Twilight since Twilight has just ended. well honestly...yeah it is Twilight but with witches, and in the south. Okay there are some good (actually really good) things about this movie. The main characters are way more likable then Bella and Edward, especially the guy Ethan, (ok he's the likable one out of the two), The girl is ok, not as bad as Bella but she still doesn't seem like she's care all that much (I blame more the writing then the acting though). The best part is without a doubt the supporting cast. Jeremy Irons, Emma Thompson, and Viola Davis were a lot of fun and were great every time they were on screen. I will say that while Emmy Rossum did okay and had some nice clothes, she was really pointless to the story. Also after Ethan (spoilers)...looses his memory and is no longer super important to the plot the movie goes down a couple of pegs a bit. It's a movie I'm sort of glad I saw but I feel no need to see it again.

Jack The Giant Slayer-This movie...well I wouldn't call it good, however I would call it fun. The plot is really simple, not bad but simple. The acting overall was really good especially with the fact that the characters sucked (expect for Ewan McGregor, cause he is awesome and had a awesome character). The CGI for most the most part was..bad, but the bean-stock looked pretty good. The princess bother me a lot. Not necessarily the actress she was fine, but it was the fact that she was all "I want to go on adventures and stuff," but didn't do anything. I don't mind a damsel in distress but if you say you want to go on an adventure and you suddenly find yourself in one then actually work. I feel this is a nit pick since it's not her story, it Jacks, so I just leave that there. Also Stanley Tucci who was good was such a stupid villain, he wash't even useful to the plot as a villain, there are giants, and they are the villain. Despite all of this compared to Beautiful Creatures, This is a movie that if it was on TV I would watch it, and I would enjoy it. Like I said it's fun not to long, (doesn't feel to long either) and just a good way to relax and have a good time.

OZ: The Great and Powerful-I was not looking forward to this movie when I first saw the trailer. Yes it looked really really pretty, but the story didn't look that interesting to me. When I saw it I still didn't find the story super interesting, and the film was very very pretty, but there was also a lot to like. First the monkey and the china doll were awesome, no questions asked. Michelle Williams was perfectly casted and did a amazing job in the role of Glinda, James Franco was also pretty good, he definitely got better as the movie went on I think. Rachel Weisz was okay, nothing really special. Mila Kunis on the other hand...I thought she did pretty good at first when she was just a naive girl but when she went full evil, she felt very mis-casted, and wasn't a great villain, which sucks cause I think she's a great actress. I think this movie is a great family film and I was glad that I saw it. And I'm not against a sequel (which there will be).

Ok that's it for now. If I see any more movies I will definitely give my opinion. and if you have anything to say about these movies, let me know. Take care :D

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Top Ten Films of 2012

Yes I know this is super late cause all of the awards have come and gone and we need to focus on 2013 but hey I'm new here so why the hell not, here are my Top Ten Films of 2012.

10. Snow White and the Huntsmen-I know this didn't do super well critic wise (44% percent on rotten tomatoes I think) but I liked it when I saw it in the theatre but after I watched it again on DVD, I just really dug it. The best part without a doubt is the visual. It's dark but amazing looking and definitely told a different tale when it came to the Snow White story. Charlize Theron was also amazing  as the evil queen, during the whole film I was thinking if I ever met her I would just run cause I don't want to fuck with her. The dwarf's were also very well acted and brought some comedy when the movie really needed it. However the big thing was Kristen Stewart and Chris Hemsworth who I felt did a good job (yes I think KStew can act) but weren't given much to work with, their characters were't well written, and yes the movie does feel a little long and I have no idea how there going to make a sequel, but its a fun, intense movie that I recommend.

9. The Hunger Games and Looper (tie). Sorry I can't choose so here we go, first The Hunger Games-Let's start with me saying, I love the books so I was super hyped that I went to the midnight screening knowing I wouldn't get a lot of sleep that night. The positive are first the acting was amazing. Jennifer Lawrence was the perfect Katiness and Josh Hutcherson was a great Peeta. Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Liam Hensworth and everybody else was really good, The look was also really nice I loved the way the capitol and the way everybody was dressed, The shaky cam which I heard a lot of people didn't really like didn't really bother me. My biggest problem was the fact that I felt like they toned down a lot of the emotional aspects almost to a fault. I was expecting them to tone it down for the movie but I felt that the movie was more for people who have read the book. I feel a movie based on a book should try to have a balance between being for people who have read the book and for people who just want to see a movie. Overall this really is a great and I can't wait for catching fire. Next Looper-One thing I didn't expect is how dark this movie was, it wasn't the darkest movie I saw all year but still. It really surprise me how much I loved this movie, and how emotionally attached I got to it. I loved that there was no true villain, you think it's Bruce Willis (who was soooo fucking good) but then you hear his story and you really feel for him even when he is doing some horrible things. Joseph Gordan-Leviett is also in my opinion kind of unlikable but he sticks to his mission and protects people he doesn't know. My problems were the fact that it takes place in 2044... and it didn't really feel like 2044 to me it just looked liked 2012 but with hover bikes, and the telekinetic part which is super important in the end felt like it was just thrown in. I feel that should have had a tiny bit more of a present. Overall great great movie that I really need to buy on DVD (hey i'm a broke college kid)

8. 21 Jump Street-This was just super funny, I really wasn't expecting much from a movie based on a  drama, but the writers realized how ridiculous the plot was and thank god they made this a comedy, I liked how self aware it was when it came to stereotypes. this isn't a movie to provoke thought, it's just a good time with friends and a lot of good laughs.

7. The Dark Knight Rises-The end of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. I kind of compare it to the original Star Wars trilogy where the first one was really good, the second one was amazing and consider on of the best films of the last decade, and the third one was...well ok. While this without a doubt better then Return of the Jedi in my opinion I still stick by this. Great performances by everyone in the film (Mainly Anne Hathaway, JGL, Christian Bale, and Michael Cain), the film looked amazing and was a really good conclusion. My problems were very minor, mainly that it felt to long and that...I felt that Christopher Nolan tried to make these films as real as possible, and the end didn't feel that real to me. Great film, great conclusion, definitely check it out.

6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey-I didn't love this movie the first time I saw it, but then I went again with a friend who was really into the books and I really loved it. For one thing the tone is different from Lord of the Rings, in those movies if Frodo, and the rest of the fellowship failed then the world would go to shit, but if Bilbo and the dwarf's failed...yeah it would suck but it wouldn't be the end of the world. This was without a doubt more of a set of adventures then one big giant quest. Also like The Dark Knight Rises I could feel the length as the movie went on and it felt long, compared to Lord of the Rings which are super long but I never really felt time went by. All of the acting from everybody was great. The sets were really good, and the gollum scene it the cave...OH MY GOD was that awesome. Can't wait for the next two.

5. The Avengers-Highest grossing movie of the summer, loved by all (or most at least). yes I know it's at number 5, don't get mad, I do love this movie and it's the film I've watched the most out of all of them, cause the biggest reason I love this film is that it's such a fun film. Now fun doesn't mean good but if a film is fun it gets points from me. I thought that it was only going to be fun, but the interactions between all of these superheros, and the fact that Marvel has been building up to this since 2008, was such a good idea since most of these characters were established, we could just get into a room and let them go. Yes this film is amazing, the best superhero film ever, whatever anybody says, it's all true. If you haven't seen it....oh of course you've seen it, so go see it again.

4. Les Miserable-As a musical lover, this was mandatory viewing, and I loved every second of it. I felt this was a great adaptation of the musical, and I loved the little nods to the novel. My favorite part of the movie was the score, which sounded different but was just so good. Everybody did a great super amazing job. I didn't even really mind Russell Crow (he was the weakest part in my opinion but not horrible). The sets looked amazing, it was just AH! I loved it.

3. Silver Linings Playbook-I was really excited to see this movie when I first saw the trailer, but I didn't expect to love it as much as I did. This movie at it's core is a romantic comedy, but it has so many layers . Mainly with it's characters, they all had depth and problems. It was really funny with some oh shit moments thrown in, and it really shows that yes maybe two people who have some emotional problems may not be the best for each other, but if the balance each other out then that's all that matters

2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower-This was one of the few movies this year that really moved me almost to tears. I read the book before I saw the movie and the fact that the movie was written and directed by the author really gave me hope for the movie. With the movie they took out a lot of the side stories, such as with Charlie's family to focus on him, Sam, and Patrick the three main characters in the story, which was really for the best. This is one the best and most realistic looks at high school's by not showing that everybody was at war with on another but instead showing the truth, that nobody gives a shit. Great soundtrack (mainly the tunnel song), amazing performances and most likely the reason me and my sister bought a black pick-up truck. Hopefully we can find a tunnel soon.

1. Argo- AHHHHHH! This movie to me is nearly perfect. Everything was done right from the directing (love Ben Affleck) to the acting (Mainly John Goodman). The story is super interesting and I really felt for everyone of those hostages, The ending when they were getting out, there was soooo much tension and my stomach was in knots thinking that they might not get out. I had to remind myself the whole time that I read the story and that I knew they were going to get out. Brilliant movie deserved every award it got. It's just perfect. also... ARGO FUCK YOURSELF!

Alright thats my top ten, if you have an opinion let me know and if there's any other 2012 you would like my opinion on let me know. Thanks guys :D



I'm Dara. I'm currently in college studying broadcasting. however my main passion is reviewing anything Movie, TV, and Broadway related. I open to and genera of film as long as it's a good movie (in my opinion) and while being a musical nerd, I'm also a scifi/fantasy nerd. I'm also open to anyone else's opinion. I know the criticism is all opinion based and whatever I say may not be what you think. So if you disagree or have something to say feel free to let me know.

Talk to you soon